Brief regular check-ins with team members

Brief check-ins with team members

At the bottom of the page, you’ll find a link to a short little article with just a few simple questions that will instantly make you a better coach to your team members.

The first set of questions work well when you onboard someone new.

#1. Tell me about one of your favorite bosses. Listen and ask the following questions.

How involved with you was she?
Could you describe his involvement with you?
How did you feel after an interaction with her?
How did his involvement benefit you?
What kind of involvement from me seems most useful? Frequency?

And after you've been working together for a little while, check in with this conversation.

#2. When you think about my past involvement with you, which types of involvement are most energizing?

If I were less involved, what would be true for you?
If I were more involved, what would be true for you?
If I nudged the level of my involvement with you in one direction, would you prefer that I nudged it toward less or more?

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